hey all..
me is pika.. n pika is me..
me is anak rashid..
i'm new here..
so, let's start dis blog with several quests..
y? cz i think some people really love to answer quests..
best example? it's me! wink.. wink.. ;)
so, let's start it!
1. Do you draw?
love it. actually, i love art! ;)
2. Have you ever seen a ghost?
never.. so do my family members.. n wish not!
3. you and a friend have a secret handshake?
nope.. never think bout it.. but it sounds cool..
4. How many jobs have you had?
once.. after SPM..
5. How many boyfriends have you had?
hurm.. 1, 2, 3.. 10, 11, 21,.. not a single one! ;P
6. How many girlfriends have you had?
a lot!
7. Are you into photography?
a little bit..
8. Do you put on make-up everyday?
everyone can tell..
9. How many subjects in university do you have?
for last sem, there r 6..
10. Do you touch and cling on people?
i dun get it..
11. How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
twice.. after n b4 sleep of cz..
12. Do you floss everyday?
13. Do you get horny a lot?
i gz not..
14. Who is amazing to hang out with?
of cz my dear sis, amalina, ladies..
15. What would you name your butler?
i dun have any..
16. Do you own a pocket knife?
17. Where's somewhere you go every week?
every week? hurm.. my xtvts vary every week..
18. Who are you mad in love with?
jesse mccartney(?) ;)
19. Why do you love him/her?
kacaknye beliau!! wink..wink.. ;)
20. Does him/her know?
of cz! (not..~)
21. Have you ever danced with someone you love?
danced wit my rumets..
22. Do you ever sing to people?
i sing 4 everyone around me.. dorg pown dh bosan~
23. Do you use Pro-Activ?
24. Does it work?
25. What's your favorite fruit?
i love fruits.. so, there is no favorites..
26. Do you hate Mcdonalds?
i'm lovin' it..
27. What place to eat do you LOVE?
masakan mak n akak aku. so, d place is: my house!
28. Do you buy clothes from Wal*Mart?
29. Do you like touching people?
touch like how..?
30. Does people touching you make you uncomfortable?
depends.. to whom n how.. ;P
31. Was your first kiss with your true love amazing?
i never kiss him
32. Do you lyke to hug or kiss or both?
33. Do you hug arms up or arms around waist?
ar.. ar.. dis kind of hugs ke.. well..
34. Do you half hug or full hug?
35. What is your favorite drink?
what is cold..
36. Do you friend request or just wait to recieve them?
i rarely request for it.. but willing to approve..
37. Do you have people you don't know on your friendster?
ade gk.. tp dh byk dh kne filter..
38. Is there a whole lotta drama in your school?
for d exact word, lotta drama in MY LIFE.. (recently~)
39. Do you have more than one last name?
last name??
40. Do you say lol or haha to laugh online?
both.. actually, byk lagik..
41. Do you love rainbows?
dolu2 agak perak ah.. skg dh lama xnmpk..
42. Have you ever tasted the rainbow?
aiskrim pelangi taste better..
43. Favorite chocolate candy?
xmkn coklat sgt.. allergic pd bnda2 manis.. but love 2 eat nips n cloud 9.. ;)
44. Do you drink alot of soda?
45. Do you like coffee?
xske.. my rumets noe better!
p/s: cm byk sgt soklan jek.. ait? drop ur answers k? nyit.. nyit.. ;)
The Makan Shoppe : Dari Jalanan ke Restoran
2 weeks ago
u shuld start wif something short but attractive..
do u really think strangers would spend their time reading this post yang panjang berjela?
teguran membina ni.. hee
welcome to the blogsphere!
tu dia....
bila budak kelas bagi teguran