Hi creatures.
Sihat? What is up? And what is down? Don't try to look at the above and bottom cause you will look stupid dumb dumb. Anyway, the semester has come to an end. Bye Shah Alam. I am going to miss you. A LOT! Okay okay I list down things that I will miss damn much.
1. the Divas.
2. 508 people.
3. Abe.
4. PAS.
5. Quality Hotel.
6. Subway Massalam.
7. Faculty.
8. Medan Selera Sek 7.
9. Pemandu Shah Alam yang macam haram jaddah.
10. Subang Parade (I know I know it is not located in Shah Alam, but what's your point? Sukahatilah!)
11. Cendol-cendol.
12. Manchongkam.
13. Upin Ipin.
14. Jusco Bukit Raja.
15. Tesco Sek 13.
16. Vicchuda.
17. Pak Li.
18. Khulafa.
19. Parking Melati.
20. Swimming pool UiTM.
21. McD Sek 3.
22. tak boleh berfikir dah. sejok sangat.
Hari ni makcik Medan Selera Sek 7 cekik darah dan saya. RM5 for nasi, ayam dan hati lembu. *menangis*
Saya rindu awak. SANGAT RINDU AWAK. awak layan saya baik. awak layan saya seperti seorang kawan. tapi saya selalu anggap lebih. dari bulan Julai 2009 sehingga ke hari ini, awak tak menunjukkan sebarang tanda. awak akan kekal di hati saya. terima kasih buat saya bahagia kerana sudi jadi kawan saya. jadi kawan pun saya dah gembira. good luck! will always pray awak for the best. :)
karaoke box sangat annoy. sakit gegendang telinga. nasib baik abang tu somel.
what a great final gathering. 5 C will always be in my heart! 5 B can go to hell. I mean the jahannam one.
need to do final AW and design before submission on this Wednesday. can't wait to be at home. by home I mean KULIM.
oh the mercuners can go to hell. drag those B's people. memekak lh hanjeng!
today might be the last day of Subway. never seen it before at KULIM. haishhhh.
it is hard to be an artist with a FB account. some people doubt about your account. some people including me. need to approve lots of requests. too hard to bear lh. for those, congratulation for not being gila lagi to face those things.
i removed some links in my blog. some are not as interesting as they were. some are tumblrs. some have gone M.I.A. to mariani ali, please inform me about your new blog. jangan sampai saya lempang.
too much to say. i think i'm going to stop now. i'm burning movies into DVDs so that lemak dalam laptop saya would be lesser. how about mine? IS INCREASING! F!
bye creatures!
The Makan Shoppe : Dari Jalanan ke Restoran
2 weeks ago
saya x de dalam senarai?
you are one of the divas lah sayang. haiyo!
the Divas!!!!!
yupe B pergi jahanam! love ya always dahling!!
love you too. going to miss yu. dah jadi orang setapak jangan nak sombong sangat dah pulak lepas ni taw! ;p