walaupun final year for student meskom jz ade 2 kls (n sumtimes ade meeting for the charity event), tp aku rase final sem ni gile bosan n gile pressure!
bosan cz byk sgt mase terluang since umah aku tade tb (jz bergantung pd laptop shj!) walaupun kdg2 kitorg main batu seremban (ade org panggey batu selambut) n uno.ahahaha!
pressure cbb industrial project kowt.but now dh dpt contact (thank God! a.k.a alhamdulillah)..
this is my evaluation for each classes:
translation-bosan + mengantok + xminat (walaupun lecturer ok)
industrial projek-bosan (bile lecture) + pressure (cr contact)
p/s: myb amek degree in publishing..maybe..
The Makan Shoppe : Dari Jalanan ke Restoran
2 weeks ago
bosan ker?
tolong wat assignment aku nak?
leh isi masa terluang hang
translation bosan laaaaa.
lect die lagi laa.
hanis: mai2.p aku nk upah since aku agk sengkek utk sem ni.ahaha.
rikhman: yep! sgt! lect same kn?
c huda 2??