Hi creatures.
I just thought to list down what if I have or not to have a boyfie.
If I have a boyfriend:
1. I will never be alone.
2. I have someone to share anything with.
3. I have someone to have lunch and dinner with.
4. I have someone to cheer me up.
5. I have someone to remind me of something.
6. I have someone to talk with.
7. I have someone to make me smile everyday.
8. I have someone to lend me a shoulder.
9. I have someone to listen.
10. I have someone to push me on something.
But, if I do have a boyfriend:
1. I will spend most of my time with him.
2. I will neglect my friends.
3. I will spend more money for topup especially.
4. My homework will never done.
5. I will go out with him 24/7.
6. I will be more depressed and get emosional if we have a fight.
7. I will do something illegal.
8. I cannot be closed with any male friends.
9. Every time, I will think about him.
10. I will get hurt if he done something dissatisfied me.
If I do not have a boyfriend, just reverse the situations above. And, what will be better? To have or not to have?
But, right now, I really want to have a boyfriend. Or a friend. The true one.
Bye creatures.
The Makan Shoppe : Dari Jalanan ke Restoran
2 weeks ago
ni yang buat rasa nak tidur ni.
x salah tuk mencube...
try je la dulu..
nak try, tapi dia taknak kat saya.
nak buat macam mana? huhu. T.T
hang dah luahkan perasaan kah?
P/S : Review Filem : The Sorcerer's Apprentice Cool Giler Beb! Terbaik!
gila ank!
mestilah belum.
kang hilang persahabatan antara aku dan dia.
ceh ceh.
review filem tu? takmo! aku nak p tengok dulu!
kalu hg luahkan perasaan pastikan ada org rekod..
aku nk tgk...or ajak aku sekali masa luahan perasaann
btw, the sorcerer's apprentice mmg best..comel giler citer dia..terbaik..tapi inception lagi best...
nanti g tgk salt nak?
sempat ka bulan depan? HAHA.