tadi I joined Baca@LRT.
it was fun actually to join aktiviti unik macam ni. haha.
what I read in the train tadi were my comic Hacker (by Zint, of course!) and few chapters of Halloween Nightmare (by R.L Stine).
yup. both are non-fiction.
I admit yang I tak suka baca buku education.
I baca sebab terpaksa. sebab exam. like seriously.
I prefer more on practical stuff.
design, program something.
sebab tu I akan pulun (struggle) dalam assignment.
sebab I konfiden (100%) yang I tak boleh score on final test or exam.
sounds macam I cacat, tapi I normal sebenarnya.
and congrates to Yuna kerana mendapat tempat kedua untuk lagu Dan Sebenarnya.
then, the activity habis around pukul 1 lebih (sempat makan tengahari, Puan Ainon, Pengerusi PTS Publication belanja kitorang makan A&W. hancur my diet! but thanks. sedap, sampai menitis air mata. ok. tak. I tipu).
and we arrived UiTM lebih kurang pukul 2 lebih.
after that, I have to meet someone regarding to my part time job when the tragedy started.
I arrived kat kedai dia awal. dalam pukul 2.45 petang.
kakak tu tak datang lagi. dia on the way.
so my friend and I thought to tidur dulu lah dalam kereta since penat sangat.
suddenly, my friend kejut I. dia tunjuk depan.
I macam mamai-mamai. nampak fire. a big flame!
in front of my car. just about few meters away.
I thought orang bakar padi. sebab kat Kedah dah biasa sangat.
tapi what the hell orang bakar padi tengah-tengah bandar?
rupa-rupanya, the kedai I'm going to meet the kakak was burned in fire!
I was glad and syukur kakak tu sampai lambat.
kalau dia sampai awal, I don't know what would happen.
U guys imagine lah sendiri. guna kreativiti anda sekreatif yang mungkin.
esok mesti keluar paper. since bomba & polis arrive tadi. tapi I tak nampak journalist lagi masa tu. kalau tak, mesti I dah masuk paper, as saksi terawal.
but we balik awal tadi, untuk mengelakkan sebarang jenis kesesakan lalu lintas.
eyh eyh. dah terkeluar topik pulak.
atas ni takde kena mengena dengan tajuk ok?
back to the topic...
when the first time I sampai Shah Alam, sincerely, I felt nothing.
I felt macam biasa. tak rindu anyone. tak pulak excited.
but today is different.
I started to miss everyone. especially my family.
plus, my niece, Alesya had fever last night.
my along send me MMS of her with towel atas dahi, tengah tidur.
ololololo.. sangat kesian.
tadi, I baru webcam dengan Cik Ijan through YM via my sister punya laptop.
he is cuter! and rambut dia dah lebat.
the worse part is, I dah tak boleh panggil dia botak anymore! (T-T)
sedang asyik bermanja-manja dengan Cik Ijan, mak, my sis and bro (through webcam sajork), tiba-tiba blank.
call pun dah ended. I don't know what is going on.
rupa-rupanya si kecik tarik wayar Internet.
I laugh. seriously. walaupun tinggal seorang di rumah.
I miss my home. I miss my home so bad.
I wish dapat cuti. sangat. dan destinasinya adalah Kulim, where my house is located. (T-T)
Pikalicious said: this semester I macam dah aktif pula. join event sana sini. it was fun actually. plus, sijil pun dapat! media coverage pun dapat! melerts gitoo. x)
The Makan Shoppe : Dari Jalanan ke Restoran
2 weeks ago
oh btw, boleh tak I masuk contest MAS tu and the destination that I chose is Kulim?
U nih.....
I tgok skrg aktif btul lah
U masuk lah contest MAS tu
mana tau U menang
I leh tumpang join nak aeroplane sekali
gewli aku dengaq ank ckp cm2.
ala kalau aku wt karangan nk p kulim, awal2 depa dh reject karangan aku tu.
tapi ok jugak kan?
unik! i loike! tgk lah kalau ada masa.
lupa lak nak tengok tarikh tutup contest tu. :P
actv kokurikulum ke?
kolej aku suck!
kitorang di anak tirikan
pelajar uitm dpt advantage lebih if join taekwondo
class taekwondo yg kne byr sebulan 30 n 60-100 for belt gradding n 50 for tournament semuanya di support
kitorang non-uitm student x dpt pun
blog aku da bertukar ... berkatalahdia.blogspot.com
farah: haha. tu bkn koko. tu aktiviti biasa2 ja. takda kena mengena gn uitm pun. sj join. dpt sijil. gpn ada kaitan gn publishing. taekwando? wujud ka kt uitm ni? ntah. aku tak amek port. sori. huhu. biasalah, ank kan IPTS. suma guna duit maaa.
tati: ouh. oki2! x)