-if we don't eat rice and chicken for quite a long time, is it possible for us to lose some weight?
-if we just eat soup and bread everyday, is it possible for us to lose some weight?
-if we eat ice cream but drink lots of plain water, is it possible for us to lose some weight?
-does cheese (chesedale) contains lots of fats?
-is meat bad (even in the soup)?
-is "agar-agar" okay for a diet plan?
p/s: just not really sure bout those :?
The Makan Shoppe : Dari Jalanan ke Restoran
2 weeks ago
makan je apa nak cuma yg penting jangan berlebih
banyak minum air suam
banyak senaman
tu jer
menjadik kah?
senaman 2 yg aku amat "rajen" 2!lol.
cuba ko try macam ni plak
lepas makan
jgn minum air dalam sejam dua
pastu baru minum
ok kut
kdg2 aku lupa trus nk minum.
lg hebat!
itu menggemukkan balik lorrr
awat lak??
dah tak minum air
tak dicerna betul2
lemak tersimpan
x mkn nasi mmg leh kurus.lol
nasi makanan ruji la
mana leh tinggal
adess..banyak plak aku ngomen sini
hans: ahaha.btoi jugak.mengong toi aku.
riki: ye ke?ramai gk ckp cm2.2 yg nk try 2.huhu.but without exercise le jd ke??