I'm not talking about the follower of a group project or of a country.
what I mean here is a blog follower.
what a follower actually? why we decided to follow one blog by the way?
I have my own opinions about follower.
From what people could see from my profile, I did follow 3 blogs.
the 1st blog is my sister's.
the reason, obviously, because she's my sister. lol.
the 2nd blog is my comolot-friend's (baik eja betul-betul. kalau tak, masuk blog Bible. lol).
the reason, obviously, because she's my comolot-friend. lol.
the 3rd blog would be GempakStarz.
the reason is because I am a kipas-susah-mati of GempakStarz. sincerely, because Zint and Keith. I adore two of them. *keningkening*
but, I rarely read the blog I followed. weird huh? haha.
If u are one of my bloggers' list, then I ACTUALLY DO READ YOUR BLOG OK?
that is why I'm kind of weird to see a blogger who follows lots of blogs.
what for? personally, I think they want people to follow them back. am I right? perhaps. 80% possibilities I guess.
I really appreciate to those who do follow my blog. thanks a lot. but sorry, I don't.
neither to follow or put your blogs in my list.
this is because, like I said before, I follow blogs purposely and I read those who are in my list.
why should I lie to you, let's said, to put you on my list or to follow your blog, but I never visit your blog after that?
that is sooo not me. sorry.
this is just 100% from my words.
I do respect others' opinions.
opinions cannot be put as right or wrong kan? x)
Pikalicious said: my English sucks. I know. but, ADA MAK KESAH?
The Makan Shoppe : Dari Jalanan ke Restoran
2 weeks ago
follower kat twitter lain tau! hehe.
blog aku ang baca tak??
mestilah baca. kalau tak, aku tak komen gila! haha.
saja nak memanja ngn ang
weh! aku follower kau yang plaing setia weh!
aku suke group dengan kau!
kalau kau x suke aku, AKU REMOVED!
sudah la shamillllllllllllllll!
memang lain'
hahaha, those whom i followed, i will read their bloggie, and i only follow one particular bloggie if i think its worth following. ;)
hanis: apa yg lain? =.="
alynn: hehe. sebab i salu terlepas pandang box yg i follow tu. senang tgk kt blogger list saja. huhu. btw, thanks for ur opinion. x)