Hi creatures.
I thought I found a good site to chat.
But I am totally wrong.
When you have the knowledge and act like hey-I'm-in-charge-in-here-and-everyone-will-do-like-I-said, problems arise.
Personally, I don't give a damn. Like seriously.
Bye creatures.
The Makan Shoppe : Dari Jalanan ke Restoran
2 weeks ago
and I hate people who try to make me follow their blogs.
write like Hanis Zalikha or Jebon, then I will.
sapa suruh ang follow blog dia?
sapa oit?
p/s : episod 4 siri Antara Dia,Kau Dan Aku sudah boleh dibaca di www.hanspunyablog.blogspot.com
ramai saja.
biasalah depa dok guna ayat: "follow blog saya, saya follow blog awak".
hahahha..ada gak owg suruh aku follow..tapi x hingin jugak aku nk follow..hahahahha..so..abaikan..:))
neway,chat itu?yg itu kah?
yup. yang itu. HAHA.
owh..jadi kita x perlu lagi ke situ..hahahah
HAHA. yup. aku hanya ke situ untuk Ping Blog. :)
makhluk tuhan paling suci are good enough for others. be yourself je.
(mcm tak msuk je nasihat ni...lol)
HAHA. good advice dari rikhman. tak sangka sampai menangis. T.T
ok tipu. HAHA.