sometimes you got too excited to surf the internet.
however, you actually realized that you do not have any idea to surf what on the internet.
sometimes you got too excited to check the emails.
however, you actually realized that you do not have any important or interesting emails in the inbox.
sometimes you got too excited to check myspace.
however, you actually realized that you do not have any comments or mails from your friends in the myspace.
sometimes you got too excited to check tagged.
however, you actually realized that you do not really like to see some messages that contain no motives in the tagged.
sometimes you got too excited to check facebook.
however, you actually realized that you do not any thing to do at the facebook.
sometimes you got too excited to check friendster.
however, you actually realized that you do not like to be disturbed by junk invitations in the friendster.
sometimes you got too exited to check your blog.
however, you actually realized that you do not have any ideas to write on your blog.
Pikalicious said: that is what i felt right now. lol. i'm damn too bored+promote my myspace, tagged, facebook, friendster and blog ;D
The Makan Shoppe : Dari Jalanan ke Restoran
2 weeks ago
well..there's always one i can count on when this happen..
wassup wit youtube?